
All our websites are combined effort of our team members to provide information related to various fields through our various other website. This is one the combined team effort among those of them to provide various information related to various recipes. The material and information posted in this website by us are only for personal educational motive and could not be used publicly on any of other websites. All materials are under legal authorization.

In case if there exist any variance between what is posted and that what is actually exisiting on any of other documents, or in any other written documents and Statements etc., the latter shall be modified in that reference.

Here specifically stated, the information provided herein is only be made available to the public by us for entertainment information. Neither we nor any other entities frenchise or website thereof, assume any responsibility for the accuracy completeness or usefulness of any information. We are not taking responsibility for any accuracy in any of the webpages of our websites by any mean.


All the informations related to various prestigeous history events and the images of various persons other text content are fully covered under copyright act. These only could be used by oneself educational motive. These information could only be displayed on webpage to inhance the educational level of users related to various recipes. The material of this website should only be printed or used for personal motives The information related to various historical events provides on this website are for mainly entertainment of users and are accurate as much as we can make them. You may print the copies of the materials and could save the images only for your entertainment and knowledge.

Its also been referred about the materials of this websites that you could not use the material and images of this website publicly on other websites without sending us written information and without our agreement.

2) Claims for copyright infringement

The material hosted on our website if appeared as infringement of the Digital Millenium copyright act in terms of their songs mainly then you may send us the query related to it and we will remove that content although we are not providing any types of content which are available to download through our website at anywere.

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